Haywood County Fair goat show is a wrap!
Petunia got 2nd place in her market division which got her a call back to the final drive where she came away with 3rd place overall and an $11 prize. Go Abby & Petunia! YAY! Stay tuned to this blog for more important GOAT COMPETITION BUSINESS! Abby and her mom bought a couple of nice little yearlings from Sospiro this year as show goats.
Programs of this type help youngsters gain confidence, learn to take care of animals, and become responsible young adults to positively contribute to the farming community. More kids could benefit from participating and understanding farming, how to make their own food through hard work, while caring for animals. We here at Sospiro are very proud of Abby! Congrats to young Abby G. . She won 3rd out of 5 in her Commercial Doe Kids class... 3rd out of 4 in her Market Wether weight class... and 3rd out of 6 in her Senior Showmanship. Great start to the year! Abby's mom says she her goats have some fitting and gaining to do before the big stuff. If you want to see goats being shown locally, here are the next dates for Abby and her two Sospiro goats. Haywood County Fair is August 25th NC Mountain State Fair is September 15th |