11/28/2021 DxE co-founder Wayne Hsiung is going on trial for the felony theft of our animals this week! Come support local farmers and local meat.
WHERE - Transylvania county courthouse -Brevard map here.
WHEN - Starting Monday November 29th, thru Thursday December 2nd.
Thank you for coming to our site. If you’ve been wondering what’s going on and what we have to say about all the media attention that has been focused on our farm, here is our side of the story: (SORRY - some links below may be broken, this blog post is from 2018)
What happened:
Two baby goats were stolen from our farm, one in the summer of 2017 (Buddy) the other in February of this year (Freddy). These goats were ALLEGEDLY stolen by an ANIMAL FREEDOM GROUP (see the blog post above) because they feel it's their job to take young, healthy and cute farm animals, and then use them as marketing tools in social media to make Thousands of dollars per episode - it's like a soap opera, tune into a Face Book post near you (see links below) for the latest set of snares and deceptions and then make a contribution (sarc) ...
The alleged thieves have leveled quite a few allegations against us and our farm, too many to respond to them all, but here are answers to three of the main accusations:
Allegation: The first baby was sick and not being cared for or treated for its illness.
The first baby (Buddy) was taken on the 5th day of a 10-day treatment for coccidia - with meds from our vet - and was improving. Coccidia is not deadly when treated promptly, which we had started well before the goat was stolen, and continued daily.
Allegation: The second baby was taken because it was sick, locked in a stall and languishing in feces.
This baby (Freddy) was only six days old when he was taken from a clean, dry stall and heated incubator space;away from his brother Eddie and his mother who was nursing him, out into a cold February night and pouring rain. Freddy was healthy and had been nursing well from his mother at the time of the theft. He then can be seen on a video being improperly fed. Hence he became sick with aspiration pneumonia and (according to the ALLEGED PERPETRATORS FILMING THEMSELVES ON FARCE BOOK) had to be taken to a vet to be treated. Back at the farm, Nip Nap, his mother, cried for days and was beside herself looking for her lost baby.
View for yourself a video of the stall in daylight, a day or two after Freddy was kidnapped.

Allegation: The goats were “rescued” because they were sick, would never see a vet, faced a miserable life, and a cruel death.
We run a small family farm and are responsible caretakers of the animals in our care. Our goats have 5 acres of green pasture and browse to which they have free access and are given a balanced diet. Mothers with babies are protected in safe dry stalls in a spacious barn that was built just for them.
Yes, many of our animals have names, because we treat them each with care and respect, and our veterinarian who does regular visits to our farm, regularly confirms this.

Until these threats to our farm and animals came about, we welcomed hundreds of visitors to our farm over the years, many among them wanting to learn how to properly care for and raise goats. We hosted schools for educational field trips and other groups as part of our North Carolina Agri-Tourism effort, as well as families with children who wanted to experience a working family farm and proper animal husbandry. Sadly, because of this real threat to our valued animals we can no longer do this, because we can’t be sure who we would be opening our doors to.
Please check out the following short video playlist and make up your own mind about what animal rights terrorists have said about us and what the truth really is. Take a look at our goats and decide for yourself who to believe.
Decide for yourself too, if perhaps this organizations footage of taking these goats was simply a tool to manipulate public opinion and raise funds for their cause. (link to playlist) Skip the first video if you've seen it above...
If you are a fellow farmer and are concerned about this trend of animal thefts, there are things you can do. There is an awareness that needs to be raised with your Agricultural Extension Agent, the State Department of Agriculture, your State Representative, and your county government. Let your voice be heard!
PS - If you have specific questions about this issue, or just words of support, please post them in the comments section, and we'll do what we can to address them...
Sign up for our RSS feed, we will be posting more here on the court dates and additional information as it becomes available.
Thanks for all the great support from our farmer friends across the world, thanks for visiting, and KEEP THE FAITH FOLKS!
Curt & Susan